Showing 17–19 of 19 results
NGL-TA-77-1 (Comfort Bolster Wedge)
Comfort Bolster Wedge, NGL-TA-77-1
Wedges and Bolsters are mostly designed to make your clients as comfortable as possible while sleeping, reading or laying down.
This comfort bolster, addition to massage your table is ideal for your female clients. It creates extra comfort for easy relaxation.
NGL-TA-88-1 (Reinforced Arm Sling)
Reinforced Arm Sling, NGL-TA-88-1
A traditional method for arm support. Our reinforced Arm Sling is user-friendly, lightweight, and is economical.
An affordable and comfortable arm rest for massage tables – This allows your clients to place their arms in a position that is comfortable for them and that allows greater access to the scapula, rhomboids and latissimus dorsi.